Magnesium Oil

Magnesium Oil

It's been found that 50-75% of the population is Magnesium Deficient.  This Magnesium Spray is made from the purest form of magnesium from the 250 million year old Zechstein Seabed in the Netherlands.  This oil is great for muscle cramps, postpartum care, restless leg syndrome, achy muscles, and headaches.  It is currently available in an earthy yet citrus Bergamot scent or a great night time scent, Lavender.  

How to Use:

  • Shake Well Each Time Before Using
  • Spray onto the bottom of your feet for quick absorption and general replenishment (and to help you sleep)
  • Spray onto sore areas to ease aching muscles
  • Let Air Dry. 
  • TINGLING IS NORMAL the first few applications.  This may indicate low levels of magnesium.  It also may happen if you have dry skin.  Avoid use on freshly shaved skin, open wounds, mouth, and eyes.  This is not an oral supplement and is for external use only. 

*For headaches you may spray into your hand and carefully, avoiding eyes and mouth, rub on neck, forehead, and temples.  

For optimal benefits use after a shower or right before bed.  It should be noted that Magnesium can be ultra drying.  It can also irritate certain skin types.  Patch test first and ensure this doesn't irritate your skin.