This week, I’m starting a new endeavor that means a lot to me. I will be starting “Foundation of Health Consults”. It will include a free introductory consult. I will detail this below but first let me preface with why this is important to me.
When a person goes into the business of natural healthcare it is usually because that person trusts that every aspect of our body was designed to take care of us as long as we take care of our body. It is the belief that our bodies can indeed heal themselves from common ailments when we properly take care of it. Last week, I shared one of my favorite quotes from Hippocrates: “It is far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.” Before a natural wellness practitioner starts throwing herbal concoctions at a person, they should first consider all aspects of the individual. The body is only as strong as its weakest link. This avoids the “chasing of symptoms” and allows us to heal the body and find the root cause. A great way I can do this is to run down all of the main foundations of health. From there, I branch into more specifics. For example, the main foundations of health I consider are (and these vary slightly from one practitioner to another): Water and food intake, sleep, exercise, and mental wellbeing.
From those I will dive deeper into the details of your average diet, how that food actually fuels your body system, etc. For sleep, we will work together to create a tangible sleep schedule. Exercise is often overlooked but it is just as important as the diet. A lot of people don’t want to hear that, however, these bodies that can do so many amazing things work optimally when not sedentary. Our bodies depend on movement for everything from digestion to our circulatory system. Our ancestors did not sit on the couch.
Lastly, we will discuss balancing emotions. Whether it is discussing your hobbies, your faith, your spirituality, what brings you joy, what makes you feel accomplished, or meditation, we will explore ways you find peace and relax. I often will additionally recommend more sunlight exposure followed by some calming teas, tinctures, or bach flower remedies should be interested.
This is so important to me because I see the change in our next generation. I realize in the world we live in today it seems hard to find the time to exercise. It seems hard to find real food. However, I will work with you to set goals for your entire family. Do not settle for the new idea of “it is genetic”. Yes, you can have a genetic component but ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if you’ll put in the work to combat that. If you have kids, this is a wonderful way to start implementing healthier choices in your home. We are seeing obesity rates tripling in the past few decades. We are seeing fatty liver disease and cholesterol which was once a disease of the elderly in teenagers. We can make the effort to set them up for a life of health.
I’m excited to start this journey. If you’d like to dive into your foundations of health, please click the consult link on my homepage. It will send me your direct contact and I would love to guide you.